- Alternate back arrow
- Hidden arrow
- Right to left
What is new:
Some arrow types are defined to be used in the new OnDrawEvent:
type TpvArrow = (pvaNone, pvaNormal, pvaBack); TOnDrawArrowEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; PathOff: Integer; var ArrowStyle: TpvArrow) of object; // Usage to simulate Win7 explorer bar procedure MainForm.pvMain.DrawArrow(Sender: TObject; PathOff: Integer; var ArrowStyle: TpvArrow); begin if PathOff > 1 then ArrowStyle:= pvaBack else if PathOff > 0 then ArrowStyle:= pvaNormal else ArrowStyle:= pvaNone; end; |
New property added:
RightToLeft: Boolean;
Set this property to true to get a pathviewer that renders the path from right to the left. I have not tested it with right to left languages so if you do I would like to get some feedback of how it works out.
Hope you find it usefull.
Download Updated PathViewer