PIDL path bar in use
Finally a pathbar using PIDLS so it is possible to navigate the complete shell and not just the file system. It is splitt into two components, rkPathViewer and rkShellPath.
The rkPathViewer is for viewing the path and can be used without rkShellPath for other path viewing needs.
rkShellPath is the component that handle the PIDL part, make it into a path that can be viewed in rkPathViewer. To set a path you normally use procedure LoadPIDL or you can set a filepath using the path property of the component. To read the current PIDL you use the property PIDL.
Hope this helps a little for your shell navigation needs.
First install the two components in the PIDLpath folder. If you want to compile and run the demo add the two components in ShellComp, provided by Bill Miller, before you load and compile the demo.
Finally a big thank you to Gerald Koeder that helped out a lot in this project.
Download Components and demo