Category Archives: GUI

AeroTabs a new tabs component

AeroTabs in use

My file manager using AeroTabs

I wanted to try to get my rkSmartTabs to work with aero in Vista/Win7 and this is the result.

The result is good, not perfect, but it works and shows how it can be done. Gdi+ is used to render the tabs so you will need it.

When using it with aero/glass remember to set background color to clBlack or you will get strange results.

Hope you find it usefull. I will post more info later and maybe add a simple demo, but if you got rkSmartTabs up and running you will get this one up and running too.

Download Component

A simple PIDL path bar

Demo showing PIDL path bar

PIDL path bar in use

Finally a pathbar using PIDLS so it is possible to navigate the complete shell and not just the file system. It is splitt into two components, rkPathViewer and rkShellPath.

The rkPathViewer is for viewing the path and can be used without rkShellPath for other path viewing needs.

rkShellPath is the component that handle the PIDL part, make it into a path that can be viewed in rkPathViewer. To set a path you normally use procedure LoadPIDL or you can set a filepath using the path property of the component. To read the current PIDL you use the property PIDL.

Hope this helps a little for your shell navigation needs.

First install the two components in the PIDLpath folder. If you want to compile and run the demo add the two components in ShellComp, provided by Bill Miller, before you load and compile the demo.

Finally a big thank you to Gerald Koeder that helped out a lot in this project.

Download Components and demo

Updated VistaProBar

Demo VistaProBar 1.5

Demo of VistaProBar 1.5

VistaProBar has now been updated to version 1.5.
Now supports marquee mode.

New settings are:

MarqueeMode: Marquee on or off
MarqueeSize: Percent used for marquee
MarqueeFade: Percent that should be used for fading the marquee 1..50
MarqueeSpeed: Timer speed setting

Hope you find it usefull.

Download updated component and demo

A little help wanted…


I am working on a path viewer and a shell path provider component but have some problems I cant figure out. If you know shell very well and want to help me on this I would be very happy.

The path viewer component is linked to a path provider. Together they will be a powerfull tool for selecting paths. I have a working set of both path viewer and shell provider but it is not working like I want it to. If you are interested in helping out just contact me and I will send you what I’ve got so far.

If I do not get any help shortly I will just post what I got here and hope someone will figure it out.

Roy M Klever

Updated GlassButton version 1.5

This is an update to my recent Glassbutton.

What is new:
* Better rendering
* Shadow can now be none, glow or drop
* Possible to change shadow color
* Glossy level adjustable
* Adjusment of image position and text gap
* Act like Windows 7 buttons

I am working on a new version with some more options, requests from users, which I dont know when will be finnished so in the mean time enjoy this. I hope you like it.

Download rkGlassButton1.5

Cool a new GlassButton!

GlassButton test demo

I liked the idea of having a “glassbutton” to use on my VistaPanel. So I decided to try making one. This is the result. It sure took a lot more work than I was thinking it would! Personally I like the result. There are some options to fine tune the result like, Glossy, GlossyLevel and the SingleBorder properties. Best result requires experimenting.

The “Arrow” property will add just that an arrow to the right side of the button. Combining it with the “DuoStyle” property will make the arrow get its own button part. Like you see in the image.

Hope you like it, have fun! Feedback is always welcome!

Download GlassButtonProject(253kB)

SmartPath v2.3 released

I am happy to announce that SmartPath v2.3 is here.

Whats new:
– Pressing arrow button now toggle popup menu.
– New event, OnError. Thanks Castor69.
– New property AutoComplete.
– Color properties for button painting have been added.
– Bug in keyboard navigating have been fixed.
– Bug in edit path have been fixed.
– Some small code optimization.

OnError AException values:
0 : Create directory failed

Download SmartPath2.3

SmartPath v2.2 released

Well I finally had some time to update my smartpath component. So what did I do? It is now possible to navigate the smartpath using the keyboard just set AllowKeyNav to true and you are set. I had some trouble making it work so report back any bugs you find, in my testing it worked as expected. Ownerdraw now has its own property, set it when using ownerdraw event. New Folder in home menu is now optionally. ParentFont added. A new property named ClickSetPath will set the path automatically when button on path is clicked so you no longer need to set it in the OnClickEvent. Changed AllowEdit to be set to true as default. OnMouseLeaveEvent should now be working again. Some code optimized.

Download SmartPath v2.2

SmartPath updated

VistaPanel image

Good looking SmartPath

This is just an update of my SmartPath component. Some elements have been removed while some elements have been added.

I added a transparent option, and lookup in edit mode. The search option was removed. Some bugs were removed and the code tweaked a little.

New property added

NetDiskWait: Boolean;

When set to true it works like normal but if you set it to false it will not check if net disks(drives) are ready. I have a net drive that lose connection all the time, making me crazy every time I am going to pick a disk, so I had to do something about it. Default is False.

Download Component

Hope you like it.

Roy M Klever

Smooth vista gradient panel

VistaPanel image

Good looking vista panel

What is it? Simply a panel with a gradient that look like the gradient used in Vista. Play with the colors and I am sure you can come up with something you like. There really isn’t more to say about this small component.

Some times I just get the idea of trying to figure out how they make that gradient, well this is my take at the Vista gradient bar. Enjoy!

Download Component

Roy M Klever